config organization

This commit is contained in:
Rudis Muiznieks 2021-09-05 20:43:11 -05:00
parent d0e58996a1
commit ce3ae26b4b
15 changed files with 108 additions and 83 deletions

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@ -27,49 +27,55 @@ class GameConfig {
public relNoneShare = 0.16;
// general configs
public cfgPassiveMax = 100;
public cfgInitialMax: ResourceNumber = {
cryptoCurrency: 1000,
megaChurches: 2,
money: 500000,
playerOrg: 5,
tents: 5,
public cfgInitialCost: ResourceNumber = {
buildingPermit: 250000,
churches: 150000,
compounds: 15000,
cryptoCurrency: 100,
houses: 75000,
megaChurches: 750000,
tents: 250,
public cfgCostMultiplier: ResourceNumber = {
churches: 1.01,
compounds: 1.5,
cryptoCurrency: 1.1,
houses: 1.01,
megaChurches: 1.01,
tents: 1.05,
public cfgSalary: ResourceNumber = {
pastors: 7.5,
public cfgCapacity: { [key in ResourceKey]?: ResourceNumber } = {
churches: { pastors: 2 },
compounds: { churches: 1, houses: 2, money: 500000, tents: 10 },
houses: { playerOrg: 10 },
megaChurches: { pastors: 5 },
tents: { playerOrg: 2 },
public cfgCredibilityFollowerLossRatio = 0.04;
public cfgCredibilityFollowerLossTime = 10000;
public cfgCredibilityRestoreRate = 0.25;
public cfgCryptoReturnAmount = 1;
public cfgFollowerGainLossLogTimer = 10000;
public cfgPassiveMax = 100;
public cfgPastorRecruitRate = 0.01;
public cfgPastorTitheCollectionFollowerMax = 100;
public cfgPastorSalary = 7.5;
public cfgFollowerGainLossLogTimer = 10000;
public cfgFollowerStartingMax = 5;
public cfgTimeBetweenTithes = 30000;
public cfgTitheAmount = 10;
public cfgCryptoReturnAmount = 1;
public cfgMoneyStartingMax = 500000;
public cfgBuildingPermitCost = 250000;
public cfgChurchCostMultiplier = 1.01;
public cfgChurchPastorCapacity = 2;
public cfgChurchStartingCost = 150000;
public cfgCompoundChurchCapacity = 1;
public cfgCompoundCostMultiplier = 1.5;
public cfgCompoundHouseCapacity = 2;
public cfgCompoundMoneyCapacity = 500000;
public cfgCompoundStartingCost = 15000;
public cfgCompoundTentCapacity = 10;
public cfgCryptoCostMultiplier = 1.1;
public cfgCryptoStartingCost = 100;
public cfgCryptoStartingMax = 1000;
public cfgHouseCostMultiplier = 1.01;
public cfgHouseFollowerCapacity = 10;
public cfgHouseStartingCost = 75000;
public cfgMegaChurchCostMultiplier = 1.01;
public cfgMegaChurchPastorCapacity = 5;
public cfgMegaChurchStartingCost = 7500000;
public cfgMegaChurchStartingMax = 2;
public cfgTentCostMultiplier = 1.05;
public cfgTentFollowerCapacity = 2;
public cfgTentStartingCost = 250;
public cfgTentStartingMax = 5;
public generateState (): GameState {
const state = new GameState(this);

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@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class GameState {
public deductCost (cost: { [key in ResourceKey]?: number } | null): boolean {
public deductCost (cost: ResourceNumber | null): boolean {
if (cost === null) return true;
if (!this.isPurchasable(cost)) return false;
for (const key in cost) {
@ -94,8 +94,7 @@ class GameState {
return true;
public isPurchasable (
cost?: { [key in ResourceKey]?: number }): boolean {
public isPurchasable (cost?: ResourceNumber): boolean {
if (cost === undefined) return true;
for (const key in cost) {
const rkey = <ResourceKey>key;

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ class BuildingPermit extends Research {
constructor (config: GameConfig) {
super('Building Permit',
'Unlocks several new buildings you can build outside of your compounds.'); = config.cfgBuildingPermitCost; = config.cfgInitialMax.buildingPermit;
public isUnlocked (state: GameState): boolean {

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@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
class Church extends Infrastructure {
constructor (config: GameConfig) {
`Preaching grounds for ${config.formatNumber(config.cfgChurchPastorCapacity)} pastors.`); = config.cfgChurchStartingCost; = config.cfgChurchCostMultiplier;
`Preaching grounds for ${config.formatNumber(config.cfgCapacity.churches?.pastors ?? 0)} pastors.`); = config.cfgInitialCost.churches; = config.cfgCostMultiplier.churches;
public max: (state: GameState) => number = (state) =>
(state.resource.compounds?.value ?? 0)
* state.config.cfgCompoundChurchCapacity;
* (state.config.cfgCapacity.compounds?.churches ?? 0);
public isUnlocked (state: GameState): boolean {
if (this._isUnlocked) return true;

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@ -4,14 +4,15 @@ class Compound extends Infrastructure {
constructor (config: GameConfig) {
'Provides space for tents, houses, and churches and a place to hide more money.'); = config.cfgCompoundStartingCost; = config.cfgCompoundCostMultiplier; = config.cfgInitialCost.compounds; = config.cfgCostMultiplier.compounds;
public isUnlocked (state: GameState): boolean {
if (this._isUnlocked) return true;
const tents = state.resource.tents;
if (tents !== undefined && tents.value >= state.config.cfgTentStartingMax) {
if (tents !== undefined
&& tents.value >= (state.config.cfgInitialMax.tents ?? 0)) {
this._isUnlocked = true;
return this._isUnlocked;

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@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ class CryptoCurrency extends Purchasable {
constructor (config: GameConfig) {
"A crypto coin that can't be spent directly, but provides a steady stream of passive income."); = config.cfgCryptoStartingCost; = config.cfgCryptoCostMultiplier; = config.cfgInitialCost.cryptoCurrency; = config.cfgCostMultiplier.cryptoCurrency;
this.valueInWholeNumbers = false;
public max: (state: GameState) => number = (state) =>
state.config.cfgInitialMax.cryptoCurrency ?? 0;

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@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
class House extends Infrastructure {
constructor (config: GameConfig) {
`Provides room to house ${config.formatNumber(config.cfgHouseFollowerCapacity)} followers.`); = config.cfgHouseStartingCost; = config.cfgHouseCostMultiplier;
`Provides room to house ${config.formatNumber(config.cfgCapacity.houses?.playerOrg ?? 0)} followers.`); = config.cfgInitialCost.houses; = config.cfgCostMultiplier.houses;
public max: (state: GameState) => number = (state) =>
(state.resource.compounds?.value ?? 0)
* state.config.cfgCompoundHouseCapacity;
* (state.config.cfgCapacity.compounds?.houses ?? 0);
public isUnlocked (state: GameState): boolean {
if (this._isUnlocked) return true;

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@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ enum ResourceKey {
credibility = 'credibility',
type ResourceNumber = { [key in ResourceKey]?: number };
interface IResource {
readonly resourceType: ResourceType;
readonly name: string;
@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ interface IResource {
readonly valueInWholeNumbers: boolean;
readonly value: number;
readonly cost?: { [key in ResourceKey]?: number };
readonly cost?: ResourceNumber;
readonly clickText?: string;
readonly clickDescription?: string;

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ abstract class Job implements IResource {
public readonly clickText = 'Hire';
public readonly clickDescription = 'Promote one of your followers.';
public value = 0;
public readonly cost: { [key in ResourceKey]?: number } = { };
public readonly cost: ResourceNumber = { };
public max?: (state: GameState) => number = undefined;
public inc?: (state: GameState) => number = undefined;
@ -38,13 +38,19 @@ abstract class Job implements IResource {
public addValue (amount: number): void {
this.value += amount;
if (this.value < 0) this.value = 0;
public isUnlocked (_state: GameState): boolean {
return this._isUnlocked;
public advanceAction (_time: number, _state: GameState): void {
public advanceAction (_time: number, state: GameState): void {
// if we're out of followers then the jobs also vacate
const avail = this._availableJobs(state);
if (avail < 0 && this.value > 0) {
@ -58,9 +64,20 @@ abstract class Job implements IResource {
? tot + res.value
: tot;
}, 0);
let max = followers - hired;
if (max < 0) max = 0;
return max;
return followers - hired;
protected _totalPayroll (state: GameState): number {
// number of followers minus the number of filled jobs
const followers = state.resource.playerOrg?.value ?? 0;
const hired = state.resources.reduce(
(tot: number, rkey: ResourceKey): number => {
const res = state.resource[rkey];
return res?.resourceType === ResourceType.job
? tot + res.value
: tot;
}, 0);
return followers - hired;
protected _hireLog (amount: number, _state: GameState): string {

View file

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
class MegaChurch extends Infrastructure {
constructor (config: GameConfig) {
`Room for ${config.formatNumber(config.cfgMegaChurchPastorCapacity)} pastors`); = config.cfgMegaChurchStartingCost; = config.cfgMegaChurchCostMultiplier;
`Room for ${config.formatNumber(config.cfgCapacity.megaChurches?.pastors ?? 0)} pastors`); = config.cfgInitialCost.megaChurches; = config.cfgCostMultiplier.megaChurches;
public max: (state: GameState) => number = (state) =>
state.config.cfgInitialMax.megaChurches ?? 0;
public isUnlocked (state: GameState): boolean {
if (this._isUnlocked) return true;

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@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ class Money extends Purchasable {
public max: (state: GameState) => number = (state: GameState) => {
let max = state.config.cfgMoneyStartingMax;
let max = ?? 0;
max += (state.resource.compounds?.value ?? 0)
* state.config.cfgCompoundMoneyCapacity;
* (state.config.cfgCapacity.compounds?.money ?? 0);
return max;
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class Money extends Purchasable {
// salaries
inc -= (state.resource.pastors?.value ?? 0)
* state.config.cfgPastorSalary;
* (state.config.cfgSalary.pastors ?? 0);
return inc;

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@ -8,12 +8,11 @@ class Pastor extends Job {
'Collect tithings for you and recruit new members from other faiths automatically.');
public max: (state: GameState) => number = (state) => {
let max = (state.resource.churches?.value ?? 0)
* state.config.cfgChurchPastorCapacity;
* (state.config.cfgCapacity.churches?.pastors ?? 0);
max += (state.resource.megaChurches?.value ?? 0)
* state.config.cfgMegaChurchPastorCapacity;
* (state.config.cfgCapacity.megaChurches?.pastors ?? 0);
return max;
@ -24,12 +23,13 @@ class Pastor extends Job {
public advanceAction (time: number, state: GameState): void {
super.advanceAction(time, state);
this._timeSinceLastTithe += time;
if (this._timeSinceLastTithe >= state.config.cfgTimeBetweenTithes) {
const money =;
const plorg = state.resource.playerOrg;
let tithed = this.value
* state.config.cfgPastorTitheCollectionFollowerMax;
let tithed = Math.floor(this.value
* state.config.cfgPastorTitheCollectionFollowerMax);
if (Math.floor(plorg?.value ?? 0) < tithed)
tithed = Math.floor(plorg?.value ?? 0);
let collected = tithed * state.config.cfgTitheAmount;

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@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ class PlayerOrg implements IResource {
private _timeSinceLastLost = 0;
private _lastRecruitmentLog = 0;
private _followerSources: { [key in ResourceKey]?: number } = { };
private _followerDests: { [key in ResourceKey]?: number } = { };
private _followerSources: ResourceNumber = { };
private _followerDests: ResourceNumber = { };
public max (state: GameState): number {
let max = state.config.cfgFollowerStartingMax;
let max = state.config.cfgInitialMax.playerOrg ?? 0;
max += (state.resource.tents?.value ?? 0)
* state.config.cfgTentFollowerCapacity;
* (state.config.cfgCapacity.tents?.playerOrg ?? 0);
max += (state.resource.houses?.value ?? 0)
* state.config.cfgHouseFollowerCapacity;
* (state.config.cfgCapacity.houses?.playerOrg ?? 0);
return max;

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@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ abstract class Purchasable implements IResource {
public clickText = 'Purchase';
public clickDescription = 'Purchase';
public value = 0;
public readonly cost: { [key in ResourceKey]?: number } = { };
public readonly cost: ResourceNumber = { };
public inc?: (state: GameState) => number = undefined;
public max?: (_state: GameState) => number = undefined;
protected _costMultiplier: { [key in ResourceKey]?: number } = { };
protected _costMultiplier: ResourceNumber = { };
protected _isUnlocked = false;
constructor (

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@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
class Tent extends Infrastructure {
constructor (config: GameConfig) {
`Provides room to house ${config.formatNumber(config.cfgTentFollowerCapacity)} followers.`); = config.cfgTentStartingCost; = config.cfgTentCostMultiplier;
`Provides room to house ${config.formatNumber(config.cfgCapacity.tents?.playerOrg ?? 0)} followers.`); = config.cfgInitialCost.tents; = config.cfgCostMultiplier.tents;
public max: (state: GameState) => number = (state) => {
// ten extra tents per compound
let max = state.config.cfgTentStartingMax;
let max = state.config.cfgInitialMax.tents ?? 0;
max += (state.resource.compounds?.value ?? 0)
* state.config.cfgCompoundTentCapacity;
* (state.config.cfgCapacity.compounds?.tents ?? 0);
return max;