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namespace Ficdown.Parser.Player
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Model.Parser;
using Model.Player;
using Model.Story;
using Parser;
internal class StateManager
private static Logger _logger = Logger.GetLogger<StateManager>();
private readonly Story _story;
private readonly Dictionary<string, int> _stateMatrix;
private readonly int _sceneCount;
private readonly int _actionCount;
private BitArray _scenesSeenMask;
private List<FicdownException> _warnings { get; set; }
public StateManager(Story story, List<FicdownException> warnings)
_warnings = warnings;
_story = story;
var allScenes = _story.Scenes.SelectMany(s => s.Value);
_sceneCount = allScenes.Max(s => s.Id);
_scenesSeenMask = new BitArray(_sceneCount);
// figure out which scenes can affect state
var masked = 0;
foreach(var scene in allScenes)
if(Utilities.GetInstance().ParseAnchors(scene.RawDescription).Any(a => a.Href.Toggles != null) || RegexLib.BlockQuotes.IsMatch(scene.RawDescription))
_scenesSeenMask[scene.Id - 1] = true;
_actionCount = _story.Actions.Count > 0 ? _story.Actions.Max(a => a.Value.Id) : 0;
_stateMatrix = new Dictionary<string, int>();
var state = 0;
foreach (
var toggle in
sc =>
Utilities.GetInstance(_warnings, sc.Name, sc.LineNumber).ParseAnchors(sc.RawDescription)
a =>
a.Href != null && a.Href.Toggles != null
? a.Href.Toggles.Where(t => !_stateMatrix.ContainsKey(t))
: new string[] {})))
_stateMatrix.Add(toggle, state++);
_logger.Debug($"{_sceneCount} scenes ({masked} can change state).");
_logger.Debug($"{_actionCount} actions.");
_logger.Debug($"{_stateMatrix.Count()} states.");
public PageState InitialState
var scene = _story.Scenes[_story.FirstScene].Where(s => s.Conditions == null);
2018-09-25 17:18:11 -05:00
if(scene.Count() == 0)
throw new FicdownException(_story.Name, string.Format("Story links to undefined scene: {0}", _story.FirstScene));
if(scene.Count() > 1)
_warnings.Add(new FicdownException(_story.Name, string.Format("Story links to scene that is defined more than once: {0}", _story.FirstScene)));
return new PageState
Manager = this,
Id = Guid.Empty,
Links = new Dictionary<string, string>(),
State = new State
PlayerState = new BitArray(_stateMatrix.Keys.Count),
ScenesSeen = new BitArray(_sceneCount),
ActionsToShow = new BitArray(_actionCount),
ActionFirstToggles = null
AffectedState = new State
PlayerState = new BitArray(_stateMatrix.Keys.Count),
ScenesSeen = new BitArray(_sceneCount),
ActionsToShow = new BitArray(_actionCount),
ActionFirstToggles = null
Scene = scene.First(),
StateMatrix = _stateMatrix
public PageState ResolveNewState(Anchor anchor, PageState current)
var target = anchor.Href.Target ?? current.Scene.Key;
var newState = ClonePage(current);
newState.State.ScenesSeen[current.Scene.Id - 1] = true;
List<bool> actionFirstToggles = null;
if (anchor.Href.Toggles != null)
foreach (var toggle in anchor.Href.Toggles)
if (_story.Actions.ContainsKey(toggle))
if(actionFirstToggles == null) actionFirstToggles = new List<bool>();
newState.State.ActionsToShow[_story.Actions[toggle].Id - 1] = true;
if (
Utilities.GetInstance(_warnings, _story.Actions[toggle].Toggle, _story.Actions[toggle].LineNumber).ParseAnchors(_story.Actions[toggle].RawDescription)
.Any(a => a.Href.Conditions != null && a.Href.Conditions.ContainsKey(toggle)))
newState.State.PlayerState[_stateMatrix[toggle]] = true;
newState.State.ActionFirstToggles = actionFirstToggles != null
? new BitArray(actionFirstToggles.ToArray())
: null;
newState.Scene = GetScene(current.Scene.Name, anchor, target, newState.State.PlayerState);
return newState;
public void ToggleStateOn(State state, string toggle, string blockName, int lineNumber, int colNumber)
state.PlayerState[_stateMatrix[toggle]] = true;
_warnings.Add(new FicdownException(blockName, string.Format("Conditional for undefined state: {0}", toggle), lineNumber, colNumber));
public void ToggleSeenSceneOn(State state, int sceneId)
state.ScenesSeen[sceneId - 1] = true;
public string GetUniqueHash(State state, string sceneKey)
var combined =
new bool[
state.PlayerState.Count + state.ScenesSeen.Count + state.ActionsToShow.Count +
(state.ActionFirstToggles != null ? state.ActionFirstToggles.Count : 0)];
state.PlayerState.CopyTo(combined, 0);
state.ScenesSeen.And(_scenesSeenMask).CopyTo(combined, state.PlayerState.Count);
state.ActionsToShow.CopyTo(combined, state.PlayerState.Count + state.ScenesSeen.Count);
if (state.ActionFirstToggles != null)
state.PlayerState.Count + state.ScenesSeen.Count + state.ActionsToShow.Count);
var ba = new BitArray(combined);
var byteSize = (int)Math.Ceiling(combined.Length / 8.0);
var encoded = new byte[byteSize];
for(var i = 0; i < byteSize; i++)
encoded[i] = 0;
ba.CopyTo(encoded, 0);
return string.Format("{0}=={1}", sceneKey, Convert.ToBase64String(encoded));
public string GetCompressedHash(PageState page)
var compressed = new State
PlayerState = page.State.PlayerState.And(page.AffectedState.PlayerState),
ScenesSeen = page.State.ScenesSeen.And(page.AffectedState.ScenesSeen),
ActionsToShow = page.State.ActionsToShow,
ActionFirstToggles = page.State.ActionFirstToggles
return GetUniqueHash(compressed, page.Scene.Key);
private Scene GetScene(string blockName, Anchor anchor, string target, BitArray playerState)
if (_story.Scenes.ContainsKey(target))
Scene newScene = null;
foreach (var scene in _story.Scenes[target])
if (ConditionsMatch(scene, playerState) &&
(newScene == null || newScene.Conditions == null ||
scene.Conditions.Count > newScene.Conditions.Count))
newScene = scene;
if (newScene == null)
_warnings.Add(new FicdownException(blockName, string.Format("Link to scene that is undefined for conditionals: {0}", target), anchor.LineNumber, anchor.ColNumber));
return newScene;
_warnings.Add(new FicdownException(blockName, string.Format("Link to undefined scene: {0}", target), anchor.LineNumber, anchor.ColNumber));
return null;
private bool ConditionsMatch(Scene scene, BitArray playerState)
if (scene.Conditions == null) return true;
scene.Conditions.ToList().ForEach(c =>
_warnings.Add(new FicdownException(scene.Name, string.Format("Conditional for undefined state: {0}", c.Key), scene.LineNumber));
return scene.Conditions.Where(c => _stateMatrix.ContainsKey(c.Key)).All(c => playerState[_stateMatrix[c.Key]] == c.Value);
private PageState ClonePage(PageState page)
return new PageState
Manager = this,
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
Links = new Dictionary<string, string>(),
State = new State
PlayerState = page.State.PlayerState.Clone() as BitArray,
ScenesSeen = page.State.ScenesSeen.Clone() as BitArray,
ActionsToShow = new BitArray(_actionCount)
AffectedState = new State
PlayerState = new BitArray(_stateMatrix.Keys.Count),
ScenesSeen = new BitArray(_sceneCount),
ActionsToShow = new BitArray(_actionCount)
StateMatrix = _stateMatrix