Buck Rogers in the 25th Century was a pioneering science fiction radio drama series, airing from 1932-1936, 1939, 1940, and 1946-1947. Based on the popular novel and comics series, the show followed the thrilling adventures of Buck Rogers, a man from the 20th century who awakens in the 25th century after being trapped in suspended animation. He teams up with brilliant scientist Dr. Huer and Space Corp Lieutenant Wilma Deering to battle evil forces led by the cunning Killer Kane and Ardala Valmar. The series was notable for teaching important life lessons and reflecting the virtues of the American Way.</p><p>The show was directed by Carlo De Angelo and Jack Johnstone, and starred a rotating cast of actors including Matt Crowley, Curtis Arnall, Carl Frank, and John Larkin as Buck Rogers. The sound effects were created by Ora Daigle Nichols, and scripts were written by comic strip writer Dick Calkins.</p><p>Buck Rogers in the 25th Century was a memorable radio serial that captivated audiences and paved the way for future science fiction programming. Apart from offering exciting space adventures, the show also resonated with the political climate of the time, as it took on an added significance during the tumultuous years leading up to and during World War II. This series has lived on as an essential piece of radio and science fiction history.