Rudis Muiznieks rudism
A modern, decentralized re-imagining of the Unix plan file. Running at
Updated 2022-07-19 09:56:00 -05:00
A Wombat-based neovim theme built using nvim.lush.
Updated 2022-01-16 07:57:46 -06:00
A Telescope file picker with default behavior inspired by vim-vinegar and vim-filebeagle.
Updated 2022-03-03 13:01:44 -06:00
Kind of abandoned, haven't figured out anything useful or interesting to do with the Zero + OLED bonnet yet.
Updated 2022-12-29 08:17:07 -06:00
A Javascript library that uses CSS to make a website spooky.
Updated 2022-01-16 08:09:11 -06:00
Interactive fiction authoring system using Markdown syntax.
Updated 2023-03-18 15:01:13 -05:00
Source code for
Updated 2023-12-06 19:17:27 -06:00
Quick shell script to generate Lakka playlists from my rom directories.
Updated 2024-02-08 08:41:07 -06:00
Basic authentication proxy based on a single password.
Updated 2024-04-28 17:08:10 -05:00
A multiplayer space exploration and trading game built for and on a Raspberry Pi Zero W with an Adafruit 128x64 OLED bonnet and PiSugar 3 battery/RTC board.
Updated 2023-11-21 13:29:38 -06:00
Modifies HiBy R2II firmware to run a script off the SD card at startup if it exists.
Updated 2023-11-09 14:49:10 -06:00
A CLI to read and set PiSugar configuration directly via the I2C bus. A lightweight alternative to the official web- and socket-based APIs.
Updated 2023-11-21 11:37:00 -06:00
The source for my static website at
Updated 2024-04-12 14:17:27 -05:00