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from os import path
from enum import Enum, auto
import re
import itertools
from cinput import ControlInput, Button
from graphics import Graphics
from .draw import Draw
from . import sunfish
class GameState(Enum):
MAIN_MENU = auto()
PLAYING = auto()
THINKING = auto()
CHOOSE_ROW = auto()
CHOOSE_COL = auto()
GAME_OVER = auto()
SAVE_FILE = path.join("data", "chess_state.fen")
def execute(cinput: ControlInput, graphics: Graphics, _):
draw = Draw(graphics)
pos: sunfish.Position
if path.exists(SAVE_FILE):
with open(SAVE_FILE, "r") as fen:
fenstr =
pos = parseFEN(fenstr)
pos = sunfish.Position(
sunfish.initial, 0, (True,True), (True,True), 0, 0)
state = GameState.MAIN_MENU
menu_index = 0
while True:
if state == GameState.MAIN_MENU:
elif state == GameState.PLAYING:
key = cinput.get_one_shot()
if state == GameState.MAIN_MENU:
if key == Button.DIR_U:
menu_index -= 1
if menu_index < 0:
menu_index = 0
elif key == Button.DIR_D:
menu_index += 1
if menu_index > 3:
menu_index = 3
elif key == Button.BTN_B:
if menu_index == 0:
state = GameState.PLAYING
elif menu_index == 1:
with open(SAVE_FILE, "w") as fen:
elif menu_index == 2 or menu_index == 3:
pos = sunfish.Position(
sunfish.initial, 0, (True,True), (True,True), 0, 0)
if menu_index == 3:
pos = pos.rotate()
state = GameState.PLAYING
elif state == GameState.PLAYING:
if key == Button.BTN_A:
state = GameState.MAIN_MENU
def get_color(pos):
return 1 if pos.board.startswith('\n') else 0
def parseFEN(fen):
""" Parses a string in Forsyth-Edwards Notation into a Position """
board, color, castling, enpas, _, _ = fen.split()
board = re.sub(r'\d', (lambda m: '.'*int(, board)
board = list(21*' ' + ' '.join(board.split('/')) + 21*' ')
board[9::10] = ['\n']*12
board = ''.join(board)
wc = ('Q' in castling, 'K' in castling)
bc = ('k' in castling, 'q' in castling)
ep = sunfish.parse(enpas) if enpas != '-' else 0
score = sum(sunfish.pst[p][i] for i,p in enumerate(board) if p.isupper())
score -= sum(sunfish.pst[p.upper()][119-i] for i,p in enumerate(board) if p.islower())
pos = sunfish.Position(board, score, wc, bc, ep, 0)
return pos if color == 'w' else pos.rotate()
def renderFEN(pos, half_move_clock=0, full_move_clock=1):
color = 'wb'[get_color(pos)]
if get_color(pos) == 1:
pos = pos.rotate()
board = '/'.join(pos.board.split())
board = re.sub(r'\.+', (lambda m: str(len(, board)
castling = ''.join(itertools.compress('KQkq', pos.wc[::-1]+pos.bc)) or '-'
ep = sunfish.render(pos.ep) if not pos.board[pos.ep].isspace() else '-'
clock = '{} {}'.format(half_move_clock, full_move_clock)
return ' '.join((board, color, castling, ep, clock))