from os import path from enum import Enum, auto import time import re import itertools from icecream import ic from cinput import ControlInput, Button from graphics import Graphics from .draw import Draw from . import sunfish class GameState(Enum): MAIN_MENU = auto() THINKING = auto() CHOOSE_SRC = auto() CHOOSE_DST = auto() GAME_OVER = auto() SAVE_FILE = path.join("data", "chess_state.fen") MAX_THINKING_SECONDS = 3 def execute(cinput: ControlInput, graphics: Graphics, _): graphics.clear() draw = Draw(graphics) hist: list[sunfish.Position] searcher = sunfish.Searcher() if path.exists(SAVE_FILE): with open(SAVE_FILE, "r") as fen: fenstr = hist = [parseFEN(fenstr)] else: hist = [sunfish.Position( sunfish.initial, 0, (True,True), (True,True), 0, 0)] player_color = 'wb'[get_color(hist[-1])] draw.draw_board(hist[-1], player_color) state = GameState.MAIN_MENU menu_index = 0 move = None score = None last_move = "Begin!" all_moves = dict() src_idx = 0 dst_idx = 0 src = "" while True: key = None if state == GameState.MAIN_MENU: draw.draw_menu(menu_index) key = cinput.get_one_shot() elif state == GameState.THINKING: draw.draw_thinking(last_move) start = time.time() for _, move, score in[-1], hist): if time.time() - start > MAX_THINKING_SECONDS: break hist.append(hist[-1].move(move)) draw.draw_board(hist[-1], player_color) last_move = move_str(move, player_color == "w") all_moves = dict() state = GameState.CHOOSE_SRC elif state == GameState.CHOOSE_SRC: if len(list(all_moves)) == 0: all_moves = get_all_moves(hist[-1]) src = list(all_moves)[src_idx] draw.draw_select(last_move, list(all_moves)[src_idx]) key = cinput.get_one_shot() elif state == GameState.CHOOSE_DST: src = list(all_moves)[src_idx] draw.draw_select(last_move, src, all_moves[src][dst_idx]) key = cinput.get_one_shot() elif state == GameState.GAME_OVER: key = cinput.get_one_shot() if state == GameState.MAIN_MENU: if key == Button.DIR_U: menu_index -= 1 if menu_index < 0: menu_index = 0 elif key == Button.DIR_D: menu_index += 1 if menu_index > 3: menu_index = 3 elif key == Button.BTN_B: if menu_index == 0: state = GameState.CHOOSE_SRC elif menu_index == 1: with open(SAVE_FILE, "w") as fen: fen.write(renderFEN(hist[-1])) return elif menu_index == 2 or menu_index == 3: pos = sunfish.Position( sunfish.initial, 0, (True,True), (True,True), 0, 0) if menu_index == 3: player_color = "b" state = GameState.THINKING else: player_color = "w" state = GameState.CHOOSE_SRC hist = [pos] draw.draw_board(hist[-1] if player_color == "w" else hist[-1].rotate(), player_color) elif state == GameState.CHOOSE_SRC: if key == Button.DIR_D or key == Button.DIR_R: src_idx += 1 if src_idx >= len(all_moves.keys()): src_idx = 0 elif key == Button.DIR_U or key == Button.DIR_L: src_idx -= 1 if src_idx < 0: src_idx = len(list(all_moves)) - 1 elif key == Button.BTN_A: state = GameState.MAIN_MENU elif key == Button.BTN_B: state = GameState.CHOOSE_DST elif state == GameState.CHOOSE_DST: if key == Button.DIR_D or key == Button.DIR_R: dst_idx += 1 if dst_idx >= len(all_moves[src]): dst_idx = 0 elif key == Button.DIR_U or key == Button.DIR_L: dst_idx -= 1 if dst_idx < 0: dst_idx = len(all_moves[src]) - 1 elif key == Button.BTN_A: state = GameState.CHOOSE_SRC elif key == Button.BTN_B: dst = all_moves[src][dst_idx] last_move = src + " - " + dst sfmove = sunfish.parse(src), sunfish.parse(dst) hist.append(hist[-1].move(sfmove)) draw.draw_board(hist[-1].rotate(), player_color) state = GameState.THINKING else: if key == Button.BTN_A or key == Button.BTN_B: state = GameState.MAIN_MENU def get_all_moves(pos: sunfish.Position): all_moves = dict() for src, dst in pos.gen_moves(): all_moves.setdefault(sunfish.render(src), []).append(sunfish.render(dst)) return all_moves def move_str(move, shift = False): s = -119 if shift else 0 return sunfish.render(s + move[0]) + " - " + sunfish.render(s + move[1]) def get_color(pos): return 1 if pos.board.startswith('\n') else 0 def parseFEN(fen): board, color, castling, enpas, _, _ = fen.split() board = re.sub(r'\d', (lambda m: '.'*int(, board) board = list(21*' ' + ' '.join(board.split('/')) + 21*' ') board[9::10] = ['\n']*12 board = ''.join(board) wc = ('Q' in castling, 'K' in castling) bc = ('k' in castling, 'q' in castling) ep = sunfish.parse(enpas) if enpas != '-' else 0 score = sum(sunfish.pst[p][i] for i,p in enumerate(board) if p.isupper()) score -= sum(sunfish.pst[p.upper()][119-i] for i,p in enumerate(board) if p.islower()) pos = sunfish.Position(board, score, wc, bc, ep, 0) return pos if color == 'w' else pos.rotate() def renderFEN(pos, half_move_clock=0, full_move_clock=1): color = 'wb'[get_color(pos)] if color == 'b': pos = pos.rotate() board = '/'.join(pos.board.split()) board = re.sub(r'\.+', (lambda m: str(len(, board) castling = ''.join(itertools.compress('KQkq', pos.wc[::-1]+pos.bc)) or '-' ep = sunfish.render(pos.ep) if not pos.board[pos.ep].isspace() else '-' clock = '{} {}'.format(half_move_clock, full_move_clock) return ' '.join((board, color, castling, ep, clock))