local telescope = require('telescope') local finders = require('telescope.finders') local pickers = require('telescope.pickers') local actions = require('telescope.actions') local action_state = require('telescope.actions.state') local action_set = require('telescope.actions.set') local utils = require('telescope.utils') local conf = require('telescope.config').values local scan = require('plenary.scandir') local Path = require('plenary.path') local os_sep = Path.path.sep return telescope.register_extension { exports = { file_browser = function(opts) opts = opts or {} local is_dir = function(value) return value:sub(-1, -1) == os_sep end opts.depth = opts.depth or 1 opts.cwd = utils.buffer_dir() -- get current buffer's index for initial selection local curfile = vim.fn.expand('%:p') local count = 0 scan.scan_dir(opts.cwd, { hidden = opts.hidden or false, add_dirs = true, depth = opts.depth, on_insert = function(entry, typ) count = count + 1 if typ ~= 'directory' and curfile == entry then opts.default_selection_index = count end end, }) opts.new_finder = opts.new_finder or function(o) opts.cwd = o.path opts.hidden = o.hidden local data = {} scan.scan_dir(o.path, { hidden = opts.hidden or false, add_dirs = true, depth = opts.depth, on_insert = function(entry, typ) table.insert(data, typ == "directory" and (entry .. os_sep) or entry) end, }) table.insert(data, ".." .. os_sep) local maker = function() local mt = {} mt.cwd = opts.cwd mt.display = function(entry) local hl_group local display = utils.transform_path(opts, entry.value) if is_dir(entry.value) then display = display .. os_sep if not opts.disable_devicons then display = (opts.dir_icon or " ") .. " " .. display hl_group = "Default" end else display, hl_group = utils.transform_devicons(entry.value, display, opts.disable_devicons) end if hl_group then return display, { { { 1, 3 }, hl_group } } else return display end end mt.__index = function(t, k) local raw = rawget(mt, k) if raw then return raw end if k == "path" then local retpath = Path:new({ t.cwd, t.value }):absolute() if not vim.loop.fs_access(retpath, "R", nil) then retpath = t.value end if is_dir(t.value) then retpath = retpath .. os_sep end return retpath end return rawget(t, rawget({ value = 1 }, k)) end return function(line) local tbl = { line } tbl.ordinal = Path:new(line):make_relative(opts.cwd) return setmetatable(tbl, mt) end end return finders.new_table { results = data, entry_maker = maker() } end pickers.new(opts, { prompt_title = 'File Browser', prompt_prefix = '> ', finder = opts.new_finder({ path = opts.cwd, hidden = opts.hidden }), previewer = conf.file_previewer(opts), sorter = conf.file_sorter(opts), initial_mode = opts.initial_mode or 'normal', default_selection_index = opts.default_selection_index, attach_mappings = function(prompt_bufnr, map) action_set.select:replace_if(function() return is_dir(action_state.get_selected_entry().path) end, function() local new_cwd = vim.fn.expand(action_state.get_selected_entry().path:sub(1, -2)) local current_picker = action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr) current_picker.default_selection_index = nil current_picker.cwd = new_cwd current_picker:refresh(opts.new_finder({ path = new_cwd, hidden = opts.hidden }), { reset_prompt = true }) vim.cmd('stopinsert') end) local refresh_prompt = function(path) vim.cmd('stopinsert') local current_picker = action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr) current_picker.cwd = path or current_picker.cwd local new_prefix = opts.new_file_mode and 'Create File> ' or '> ' current_picker:refresh( opts.new_finder({ path = path or current_picker.cwd, hidden = opts.hidden }), { reset_prompt = true, new_prefix = new_prefix } ) end local create_new_file = function() local current_picker = action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr) local file = action_state.get_current_line() if file == "" then refresh_prompt() return end local fpath = current_picker.cwd .. os_sep .. file if not is_dir(fpath) then Path:new(fpath):touch { parents = true } refresh_prompt() else Path:new(fpath:sub(1, -2)):mkdir { parents = true } local new_cwd = vim.fn.expand(fpath) refresh_prompt(new_cwd) end end map("n", "-", function() -- go up a level local current_picker = action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr) current_picker.default_selection_index = nil local new_cwd = Path:new(current_picker.cwd):parent():absolute() refresh_prompt(new_cwd) end) map("n", "/", function() -- enter insert mode to search vim.cmd('startinsert') end) map("n", "+", function() -- enter insert mode to create new file opts.new_file_mode = true refresh_prompt() vim.cmd('startinsert') end) map("n", "h", function() -- toggle hidden local current_picker = action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr) current_picker:refresh( opts.new_finder({ path = current_picker.cwd, hidden = not opts.hidden }), { reset_prompt = true } ) end) map("i", "", function() opts.new_file_mode = false refresh_prompt() end) map("i", "", function() -- create file or default if opts.new_file_mode then opts.new_file_mode = false create_new_file() else actions.select_default(prompt_bufnr) end end) return true end, }):find() end } }