A modified version of [Telescope.nvim](https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim)'s built-in file browser with behavior inspired by [vim-vinegar](https://github.com/tpope/vim-vinegar) and [vim-filebeagle](https://github.com/jeetsukumaran/vim-filebeagle).
## Usage
File browser opens in the current buffer's directory in normal mode by default.
-`-` goes up a level to the parent directory
-`/` enters insert mode to search files
-`+` prompts for a new file name to create
-`h` toggles whether hidden files are displayed or not
## Installation
Install with packer (or similar equivalent package manager):
use 'rudism/telescope-vinegar.nvim'
Bind this to a key (I recommend `-`) and execute it to open the file browser in the current file's directory:
The following config maps `-` to the file browser, disables `netrw`, and automatically opens the file browser when you launch nvim with a directory as the file argument (uses [plenary.nvim](https://github.com/nvim-lua/plenary.nvim)).