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<p>The home of streaming on-demand Old Time Radio.</p>
<h3>What is Old Time Radio?</h3>
<p>Old Time Radio shows are commercial audio programs that were broadcast over the air during the "Golden Age of Radio," an era that spans from the 1920s through the 1950s. Audio shows that were broadcast in the USA prior to 1972 were not subject to federal copyright protections, so as a result many of these old shows are available in the public domain.</p>
<p>To give you a concrete example, here are a couple of my favorite episodes that you can listen to right now:</p>
<div class='seriesList'>
<section class='episode'
title='The Green Hills of Earth'
data-series='X Minus One'
<img alt='cover image' title='The Green Hils of Earth'
<label>The Green Hills of Earth</label>
<span>X-Minus One</span>
<section class='episode'
title='Snow White and the Seven Dwarves'
data-series='The Jack Benny Program'
<img alt='cover image' title='Snow White and the Seven Dwarves'
<label>Snow White and the Seven Dwarves</label>
<span>The Jack Benny Program</span>
<h3>What is Radiostasis?</h3>
<p>Radiostasis started as an Android application back in 2017, but has since been shut down and rebooted here as a web-based Old Time Radio player. All of the episodes have been sourced from the <a href='' target='_blank'>Internet Archive</a>, cataloged, and made available for on-demand playing. Click the <a href='#' hx-get='/partial/series.html' hx-push-url='/series' hx-target='main' hx-swap='innerHTML show:top'>All Series</a> link in the sidebar, or select a specific genre to begin exploring the library.</p>
<p>Radiostasis is an <a href='' target='_blank'>open source</a> passion project by Rudis Muiznieks, a software engineer who happens to love Old Time Radio. Radiostasis is a constant work in progress, with many improvements planned for the future. Currently the site is completely free to use&mdash;Rudis foots all the bills to host this site on his own&mdash;but premium features may be introduced in future updates to help offset some of the costs.</p>
<p>If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to say hello, feel free to email Rudis at <a href=''></a>.</p>
<h3>Change Log</h3>
<p>Initial release with bare-bones series and episodes lists, plus the ability to stream individual episodes.</p>