<div class='seriesDetails'> <section> <img alt='cover image' title='Mystery in the Air' src='/cover/sm/mystery-in-the-air.jpg'> <div> <ul> <li>Horror</li><li>Mystery</li> </ul> <label>Mystery in the Air</label> <aside> <span>8 episodes</span> <span>Aired 1947</span> </aside> </div> </section> <div class='detail'> <ol><li class='episode' title='The Great Barastro' data-cover='/cover/sm/mystery-in-the-air.jpg' data-series='Mystery in the Air' data-file='otr/mystery-in-the-air/00006.mp3'> <label>The Great Barastro</label> <aside> <span>26mins</span> <span>Aired 1947-08-07</span> </aside> </li><li class='episode' title='The Lodger' data-cover='/cover/sm/mystery-in-the-air.jpg' data-series='Mystery in the Air' data-file='otr/mystery-in-the-air/00007.mp3'> <label>The Lodger</label> <aside> <span>25mins</span> <span>Aired 1947-08-14</span> </aside> </li><li class='episode' title='The Horla' data-cover='/cover/sm/mystery-in-the-air.jpg' data-series='Mystery in the Air' data-file='otr/mystery-in-the-air/00008.mp3'> <label>The Horla</label> <aside> <span>25mins</span> <span>Aired 1947-08-21</span> </aside> </li><li class='episode' title='Beyond Good and Evil' data-cover='/cover/sm/mystery-in-the-air.jpg' data-series='Mystery in the Air' data-file='otr/mystery-in-the-air/00009.mp3'> <label>Beyond Good and Evil</label> <aside> <span>29mins</span> <span>Aired 1947-08-28</span> </aside> </li><li class='episode' title='The Mask of Medusa' data-cover='/cover/sm/mystery-in-the-air.jpg' data-series='Mystery in the Air' data-file='otr/mystery-in-the-air/00010.mp3'> <label>The Mask of Medusa</label> <aside> <span>29mins</span> <span>Aired 1947-09-04</span> </aside> </li><li class='episode' title='The Queen of Spades' data-cover='/cover/sm/mystery-in-the-air.jpg' data-series='Mystery in the Air' data-file='otr/mystery-in-the-air/00011.mp3'> <label>The Queen of Spades</label> <aside> <span>27mins</span> <span>Aired 1947-09-11</span> </aside> </li><li class='episode' title='The Black Cat' data-cover='/cover/sm/mystery-in-the-air.jpg' data-series='Mystery in the Air' data-file='otr/mystery-in-the-air/00012.mp3'> <label>The Black Cat</label> <aside> <span>26mins</span> <span>Aired 1947-09-18</span> </aside> </li><li class='episode' title='Crime and Punishment' data-cover='/cover/sm/mystery-in-the-air.jpg' data-series='Mystery in the Air' data-file='otr/mystery-in-the-air/00013.mp3'> <label>Crime and Punishment</label> <aside> <span>26mins</span> <span>Aired 1947-09-25</span> </aside> </li></ol> <article><p> Mystery in the Air was a suspenseful and thrilling radio show starring Peter Lorre, an actor known for his "creepy foreigner" persona. The show featured stories from world literature, including works by Edgar Allen Poe, Pushkin, de Maupassant, Theodore Sturgeon, and Dostoevsky. With a focus on the strange and unusual, Mystery in the Air captivated its audience with each eerie twist and turn. Peter Lorre's distinct voice and convincing portrayals of psychopathic characters contributed to the show's unique flavor and helped secure its place in radio history.</p><p>The show aired in 1947 as a summer replacement series and featured a regular stock of players, including Harry Morgan, who later gained fame as Detective Joe Gannon on TV's Dragnet. Although the original broadcast network and the number of episodes produced are not mentioned, the cultural impact of Mystery in the Air is evident in Peter Lorre's Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6619 Hollywood Blvd. For fans of suspenseful and mysterious radio shows, Mystery in the Air offers a chilling and memorable experience. </p><p>Sources: <a href='https://www.otrcat.com/p/mystery-in-the-air-peter-lorre' target='_blank'>otrcat.com</a> </p></article> </div> </div>