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  • Drama

Down Our Way is a heartwarming radio show that brings to life the close-knit community spirit of small-town America. Set in a simpler time, the story revolves around neighbors helping neighbors and using their faith in their daily lives. The central character is Eli Jenkins, the town's kindhearted grocer, who is always there to lend a helping hand when trouble arises. The show has a delightful, down-home tone, featuring aspects of small-town living, such as local politics, pie contests, and friendly rivalries. Choir music adds a touch of magic to the show, as the local choir regularly meets at Eli's grocery store to practice their hymnals.

While not much is known about Down Our Way, it is believed to have been created in the early 1930s. The Old Time Radio Researchers Group is actively seeking more information about the series. The show's quaint and nostalgic portrayal of simpler times resonates with listeners even today, transporting them back to a bygone era of small-town America, if only for 30 minutes at a time. Fans of radio shows featuring large protagonists might also enjoy Big Guy, Fat Man, Scattergood Baines, and Nero Wolfe.
