Space Patrol is a thrilling adventure series set in the 30th century, which follows the mission of bringing law and order to the interplanetary frontier. Each episode revolves around the Space Patrol crew, commanded by Commander Buzz Corry, as they journey through the universe in Terra V. The show entails high adventure in the wild vast reaches of space, daring missions in the name of interplanetary justice, and travels into the future with Buzz Corry, commander-in-chief of the Space Patrol.
The radio show aired on ABC from September 18, 1950, to March 19, 1955, and is known to have 129 episodes. The show developed a significant adult audience by 1954, consistently ranking among the top 10 Saturday broadcasts. The show also had a TV series that aired from March 1950 to February 1955. Space Patrol boasted a talented cast, including Ed Kemmer as Commander Corry, Lyn Osborn as Cadet Happy, Virginia Hewitt as Carol Karlyle, Ken Mayer as Major Robbie Robertson, Norman Jolley as Dr Malingro, Nina Bara as Tonga, and Bela Kovacs as Prince Baccarritti. It was produced and directed by Larry Robertson and Mike Moser, with Lou Huston serving as the writer.
Performers: Ed Kemmer, Lyn Osborn, Virginia Hewitt, Ken Mayer, Norman Jolley, Nina Bara, Bela Kovacs, Dick Tufeld, Dick Wesson