You Bet Your Life is an American comedy quiz series that has aired on both radio and television. The show's premise revolves around contestants engaging in humorous conversations with the host, with gameplay often taking a backseat to the comedic interplay between the host and the contestants. Each episode typically featured two or three two-person teams, who were usually selected from the studio audience. The series is best known for its original version, which was hosted by Groucho Marx and featured announcer and assistant George Fenneman. Gameplay often involved contestants trying to guess a "secret word" for a chance to win a prize.
The show debuted on ABC Radio in 1947 and later moved to CBS Radio in 1949, eventually making its way to NBC-TV and NBC Radio in 1950. The radio version of You Bet Your Life aired until June 10, 1960, while the television version continued to air for another year. In total, 529 episodes were produced during the show's run. When the series ended, it was the first primetime series to be shown in reruns during the summer months. The series has also been revived three times since its original run, with the most recent version hosted by Jay Leno in 2021. Some notable advertisers and sponsors of the show included Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, Elgin-American, and Vox Pop. Groucho Marx's career in show business was defined by his brash humor and quick wit, making You Bet Your Life a perfect platform for his talents.