Theatre Royal is a British anthology series featuring plays based on prominent literature, films, and English theater. The program was produced in two series and had Sir Lawrence Olivier and Sir Ralph Richardson as hosts, narrators, and oftentimes lead actors. The show presented new radio adaptations of famous stories and lesser-known masterpieces by both American and English authors. Theatre Royal attracts audiences with its variety that is typically missing in similar anthology series, and timeless performances by talented actors.
The show was broadcast from 1954 to 1955, and aired on various radio networks like NBC and ABC. The production company, Towers of London, syndicated the show for international audiences in Europe, South Africa, and Australia. Many renowned British stage and screen actors were involved in individual episodes of the Theatre Royal series, such as Sir John Gielgud, Robert Morley, Harry Andrews, Muriel Forbes, Robert Donat, and Daphne Maddox. The music in the series was credited to the well-known British organist and arranger Sidney Torch but was also used in other Harry Alan Towers productions. The show remained in active syndication in the United States well into the 1970s, and many of the copies in circulation today come from those 1970s repeats which had shortened running times to accommodate newscasts and commercials.