The Life of Riley is an American radio situation comedy that revolves around the life of Chester A. Riley, a wing riveter at the fictional Cunningham Aircraft plant in California. Portrayed by William Bendix, Riley is a stubborn and opinionated character, who is certain that his way is the right way. The show focuses on Riley's family and neighbors as they navigate through various comical situations. The series was known for its humor and entertaining value, featuring a supporting cast of characters such as the friendly undertaker, Digby "Digger" O'Dell, who contributed to the show's light-hearted and engaging style.
The show initially aired on the Blue Network from January 16, 1944, to July 8, 1945, and later moved to NBC, where it was broadcast from September 8, 1945, to June 29, 1951. A total of 318 episodes were produced, with several advertisers and sponsors supporting the show, including the American Meat Institute, Procter & Gamble, and Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. The Life of Riley was adapted into a feature film in 1949, as well as a television series in the 1950s and a comic book in 1958. Among the notable individuals involved in the production of the show was creator Irving Brecher, who initially pitched the series to his friend, Groucho Marx, and eventually cast William Bendix as the lead after coming across his earlier work.