The Haunting Hour is a mystery-horror anthology show that focuses on psychological mysteries, "whodunit" thrillers, and crime crusades. Featuring a talented cast of network stars, the show is known for its classic chills and high melodrama. With a legendary and eerie organ soundtrack that sets the haunting atmosphere, The Haunting Hour captivates listeners with the suspense and terror of the stories. The show stands out in the wide variety of programming that emerged in the commercial Golden Age of Radio.
Broadcast on NBC between 1944 and 1946, The Haunting Hour aired for a total of 52 episodes. The show was produced by NBC's Radio Recording Division, which developed recorded programs for local affiliates. Many talented Radio Row players, such as veteran Suspense announcer Berry Kroeger, Bret Morrison, and organist Rosa Rio, were hired to bring the horror and suspense stories to life. Although the show did not have a big-budget sponsor, it achieved significant success and garnered a large following, with 99 stations carrying the program in 1947.