The Green Hornet is a radio adventure series that follows the dual life of Britt Reid, a sophisticated newspaper publisher by day who becomes a masked vigilante at night. Alongside his trusty valet, Kato, Reid faces crime head-on, often resorting to dubious means to gain information from criminals and racketeers. The series is distinguished by its use of classical music for themes and scene transitions, and is considered one of radio's best-known juvenile adventure programs. The premise of the show was to demonstrate that one person could challenge the corruption within the political system by becoming an outlaw and taking matters into their own hands.
The show originally aired in the United States from January 31, 1936, to December 5, 1952. The Green Hornet was first broadcast on WXYZ, a local Detroit station, before being supplied to national networks such as the Mutual Broadcasting System and the Blue Network (later known as the ABC Network). A total of 885 episodes were aired, and General Mills and Orange Crush were the show's main sponsors. The creators of The Green Hornet, Fran Striker and George W. Trendle, initially conceived of the show as a companion to their already-existing series, The Lone Ranger. As a result, the two series share a blood relationship, with The Green Hornet's protagonist being the grandnephew of The Lone Ranger.