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  • Drama

The Grantland Rice Story is a serialized radio program based on Rice's popular autobiography "The Tumult and The Shouting." The 15-minute series comprises 52 sequential installments that closely follow the text of the book, narrated by sportswriter Jimmy Powers. Powers reads and comments on Rice's story in the first person, as Rice intended, and the material is augmented by contemporary asides and updates from Powers. The program provides a comprehensive insight into the career and experiences of one of the most important sportswriters in American history, during an era where the pen and typewriter was still a vital part of the news media.

First airing regionally as early as August 1955, the series received national attention on various stations and aired at varying times. Some stations broadcast it every weekday, others three days a week or weekly, making tracking the broadcasts particularly difficult given the 15-minute format. At least one contiguous run of the entire 52-installment series aired between September 1955 and September 1956, often appearing in many markets at the 15-minute mark, 'buried' behind an on-the-hour broadcast of another program.
