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  • Adventure

The Clyde Beatty Show centered around the adventures of the renowned animal trainer, Clyde Beatty, as he sought new and more exotic beasts for his circus performances. As the owner of the Clyde Beatty Circus, the show follows Beatty's adventures in Africa and India, hunting down animals in their native jungles for his acts. Stemming from a series of books and a film serial of the same name, the program aimed to capture the thrill, excitement, and drama of the circus behind the scenes, while also highlighting Beatty's dangerous encounters and mastery of wild animals.

The Clyde Beatty Show premiered in 1950 and aired on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, sponsored by Kellogg. A total of 156 syndicated episodes were produced by Commodore Productions and Artists Inc., and were available for sale through the end of 1951. From 1952, the production company switched its focus to developing a Clyde Beatty television program. It is worth noting that along with his career in the circus, Beatty also acted in films from the 1930s to the 1950s and appeared on television until the 1960s.
