The Clock is a suspense anthology series that follows a 30-minute program format narrated by Father Time. Created by Lawrence Klee, the show's stories are driven by the theme of time, often personified by the show's narrator. The series is known for its ability to captivate its audience through its thrilling narratives and character portrayals. Initially featuring New York radio talent, the production of the show shifted to Hollywood, pushing for a more diverse range of guest actors, including Cathy Lewis, Elliott Lewis, Jeanette Nolan, and Hans Conried.
Airing on the ABC from November 3, 1946, to May 23, 1948, The Clock delivered remarkable and memorable episodes to its audience for two years. The production of the show shifted from New York to Hollywood on March 4, 1948, with William Spier acting as director. Unfortunately, due to the lack of sponsorship, ABC was forced to cancel the series after twelve weeks. In 1955, an Australian version of the program was produced by Grace Gibson Productions.