The Blue Beetle follows the story of Dan Garrett, a rookie patrolman who transforms himself into the mysterious Blue Beetle, a daring crusader for justice, by donning bullet-proof blue chain mail. Created by Charles Nicholas, the character first appeared in the comic book Mystery Men in 1939. In his quest for justice, young Dan Garrett turns to a second life of fighting crime as the Blue Beetle, equipped with a costume of bullet-proof chain-mail-like cellulose material, a small beetle-shaped marker, a "Beetle Signal" flashlight, and various other crime-fighting gadgets including a revolver, the "BeetleMobile" car, the "BeetleBird" airplane, and a "magic ray machine."
The Blue Beetle radio serial aired from May 15, 1940, to September 13, 1940, as a CBS 30-minute syndicated series. Actor Frank Lovejoy voiced the Blue Beetle for the first thirteen episodes, and later episodes were uncredited. Despite its short radio duration, the Blue Beetle enjoyed popularity in newspaper syndication and continued comic book adventures. Furthermore, the Blue Beetle is one of the few golden age characters to survive into the present day, although the character has undergone many changes and revisions since its inception.