The Bickersons was a radio comedy sketch series that featured a married couple, John and Blanche Bickerson, who spent most of their time together engaging in relentless verbal battles. The show was created by Philip Rapp, known for writing the Fanny Brice skits which eventually evolved into the popular Baby Snooks radio show. Hosted by Don Ameche and singer-actress Frances Langford, the show had a sitcom format, with John and Blanche often arguing about various topics such as jobs, money, and each other's family members. While most of their skits depicted their constant bickering and arguments, there were moments when the couple showed tenderness towards one another, suggesting an underlying love despite their constant disputes.
The Bickersons premiered on September 8, 1946, on NBC and later moved to CBS, where it continued until August 28, 1951. A total of 166 episodes aired, of which 32 are known to still exist today. The show later had a few television runs with Lew Parker taking over the role of John Bickerson, but the chemistry between Parker and Langford did not work as well as it had with Ameche. Notable sponsors for the show included Drene Shampoo and Maxwell House Coffee Time. The cast also featured future children's television star Pinky Lee in occasional supporting roles.