The Aldrich Family is a popular radio teenage situation comedy that revolves around the misadventures of Henry Aldrich, a likable and awkward teen. The show is set in Centerville, USA and follows Henry's relationships with his friends, family, and romantic interests. The creation of playwright Clifford Goldsmith, the show is known for its opening exchange, where Henry's mother calls "Hen-reeeeeeeeeeeee! Hen-ree Al-drich!", and he responds with a breaking adolescent voice, "Com-ing, Mother!"
The show was broadcast from July 2, 1939, to April 19, 1953, airing on both NBC and CBS radio networks. The role of Henry Aldrich was originally played by Ezra Stone, who left the series in 1942 to serve in the army during World War II. Stone later returned to the series in 1945, with other notable actors such as Norman Tokar, Dickie Jones, Raymond Ives, and Bobby Ellis also playing the role of Henry during the show's 14-year run. The Aldrich Family was adapted into 11 films by Paramount Pictures between 1939 and 1944, as well as airing on NBC TV from October 1949 through the 1953 season.