Adventures of Superman is a superhero fiction and action-adventure radio show that follows the story of Superman, a DC Comics character. The show is packed with exciting episodes, ranging from the pre-jet flight era in 1939 up through the atomic 1950s. Throughout these decades, Superman takes on various challenges, including battling Nazi spies, uncovering evil genius schemes, and fighting extraterrestrial beings. In addition to the iconic character, a smart and cynical Lois Lane, portrayed by Joan Alexander, provides insight into the working women of World War II, while Perry White and Jimmy Olsen interact with Superman.
The Adventures of Superman originally aired from 1940 to 1951, spanning a total of 2,088 episodes across differing American radio networks. Its storylines involved, among other things, a powerful blow against the Ku Klux Klan's prospects in the northern United States. This impact occurred when human rights activist Stetson Kennedy infiltrated the KKK and used his knowledge to create a story arc featuring Superman fighting the Klan, trivializing their rituals and decreasing the group's potential attracting power. The series also earned spectacular ratings, with Kellogg's Pep Cereal as its sponsor. Bud Collyer played Superman, whose identity remained a secret for many years, and other notable actors included Joan Alexander as Lois Lane, Julian Noa as Perry White, and Jackie Kelk as Jimmy Olsen.