SF-68 is a South African science fiction anthology series that featured stories penned by renowned authors such as Ray Bradbury and Harlan Ellison. Hosted by Michael McCabe, a well-known South African radio talent, the show captivated listeners with its engaging and thought-provoking episodes. Each story explored a different aspect of the realm of science fiction, showcasing tales featuring futuristic technology, societal changes, and characters with unique abilities. The program's well-written dramas challenged the listener's imagination and spurred them to think beyond the seemingly impossible, creating an immersive experience that took them on a journey into a world of fantastic possibilities.
The popular radio show eventually made its way to America, where it continued to expand its fan base. SF-68 aired from March 1968 and featured episodes such as "Last Rites," which brought a priest face to face with his own faith, "Wanted in Surgery," which examined the future of medicine and the implications of robotic medical professionals, and "Jenny with Wings," which told the story of a girl born with wings that allowed her to fly. While little is known about the broadcasting details of the show, its well-crafted stories and intriguing premise made it an unforgettable part of radio history for those lucky enough to have experienced it.
Sources: otrcat.com