Rotary Golden Theater was a captivating radio show produced by the International Rotary Association, which focused on various situations involving individuals facing challenges that were ultimately resolved by the Rotary Club. Each of the thirteen 15-minute episodes delved into distinct storylines that highlighted the positive impact of the Rotary Club on people's lives. With relatable characters and dramatic sequences, Rotary Golden Theater demonstrated the moral implications of the presented scenarios, leaving a lasting impression on its listeners.
The show aired from March 1, 1955, through March 18, 1955, broadcasting five times a week. Rotary Golden Theater was created in celebration of the International Rotary Association's 50th anniversary and was provided to local Rotary Clubs for broadcast on local stations. Alongside the show, thirteen discussion scripts were made available to be used as follow-up broadcasts or for educational purposes where local broadcast may not be possible. Despite being created in the mid-1950s, the show's themes and messages continue to resonate with modern audiences, proving the timeless nature of Rotary Golden Theater.