Quiz Kids was a popular educational radio and TV series that featured a panel of five children, chosen for their high IQs, strong academic interests, and appealing personalities. The quiz show, hosted by Joe Kelly, involved Kelly asking questions sent in by listeners, which were researched by Eliza Hickok and Rachel Stevenson. The answers were provided by the panel, which rotated weekly based on top scores, with the three highest-scoring children each week joined by two others the following week. They were no longer eligible to participate once they reached the age of 16. The show's format encouraged children to display their intelligence and knowledge in a variety of subjects while engaging the audience with their personalities and sense of humor.
Quiz Kids was originally broadcast from June 28, 1940, to September 27, 1956. It aired on the NBC radio network and later on the CBS television network. The show first aired as a summer replacement show for Alec Templeton Time on NBC radio, where it continued for 13 years. On television, the show ran from July 6, 1949, to July 5, 1953, with Joe Kelly as quizmaster, and then again from January 12 to September 27, 1956, with Clifton Fadiman as host. The series was created by Louis G. Cowan and was sponsored by Alka-Seltzer. A notable ex-Quiz Kids participant is Nobel Prize-winning biologist James D. Watson. Other successful former participants include actor and dialect coach Robert Easton, legendary Hollywood acting coach Roy London, poet Marilyn Hacker, and actress Vanessa Brown. The show's popularity inspired several revivals and adaptations in various media formats over the years.
Sources: wikipedia.org, otrcat.com