Police Reporter is a 15-minute dramatic series based on true crime stories. Syndicated by Radio Release Limited, the series consists of sensational and melodramatic stories that revolve around various murder cases, with each episode using real names, dates, and locations. The show's distinct style is reminiscent of Front Page Drama, and the police officers featured often solve the cases through the incompetence of the criminals rather than their investigative prowess. This creates a chilling and intriguing atmosphere within the series that has captivated its listeners for years.
Broadcasted between December 15, 1933, and March 1936, Police Reporter originally aired on WEAF's program grid and later on KGPJ. The series predates other true crime dramas such as Gangbusters, which first premiered on NBC as "G-Men" in July 1935. Police Reporter consists of 26 shows, which have been digitized directly from a set of original transcription discs. The show received scripts from The Writer's Market and also sought ideas from its listeners. Despite reflecting on gruesome cases that might not be suitable for children, Police Reporter's success lies in its ability to engage the audience's imagination and create a darker, scarier, and more disturbing picture than any modern media.
Sources: archive.org, otrcat.com