One World Flight was a documentary radio series that chronicled Norman Corwin's four-month journey across 16 countries, covering 42,000 miles. The show's premise was to interview various people, including heads of state and everyday citizens, to gain insight into their perspectives on the world following World War II. These interviews would be woven together with Corwin's commentary to create a captivating and thought-provoking program designed to help heal the wounds of the war.
The show consisted of 13 episodes, which aired on CBS radio between 14 Jan – 8 Apr 1947. During his trip, Corwin was accompanied by CBS Recorder Lee Bland and 225 pounds of magnetic wire-recording equipment. The transcript of the interviews produced 3700 typed pages, and the series was developed over three months with the help of four recording engineers and six typists. The One World Award, established in Wendell Willkie's honor, was given to Norman Corwin as the first recipient in 1946. Notable winners of this award included Fiorello La Guardia (1947), Albert Einstein (1948), John Huston (1949), and Roger Nash Baldwin (1950).