Night Beat is a radio drama series that revolves around the life of Randy Stone, a reporter covering the night beat for the Chicago Star. Stone encounters an array of criminals, eccentrics, and troubled souls during his nightly search for strange and intriguing stories. While most episodes of the show gravitate toward suspense, crime, and thriller themes, Night Beat occasionally presents humorous or sentimental stories as well. Each episode concludes with Stone typing up a news story based on his latest escapades and calling for the copy boy to deliver it to an editor.
The show aired on NBC from February 6, 1950, to September 25, 1952 and was sponsored by Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer and Wheaties. Frank Lovejoy starred as Randy Stone and was supported by an ensemble cast of talented actors including Joan Banks, Parley Baer, William Conrad, Jeff Corey, Lawrence Dobkin, Paul Frees, Jack Kruschen, Peter Leeds, Howard McNear, Lurene Tuttle, Martha Wentworth, and Ben Wright. The announcer for the show was Donald Rickles. In addition to its radio format, there was a television pilot episode of Night Beat on the anthology series Four Star Playhouse, and an ebook anthology of six new Night Beat stories called "Nightbeat: Night Stories."