Mystery House was a unique radio drama series that revolved around the publishing firm owned by Dan and Barbara Glenn. The series, set in New York City, featured an innovative premise where each new novel from the publishing company was acted out by the Mystery House staff prior to being accepted for publication. As a result, the show served as a testing ground for new mystery novels, with the staff handling various responsibilities such as script adaptations, acting, and sound effects, providing the audience with the opportunity to engage with the stories before they became published books.
The show initially began airing on NBC in 1929 and continued to broadcast as late as 1951 in various formats across different stations, including WGN in Chicago and WOR in New York. To date, only fifteen episodes are known to exist. An interesting trivia about the show is an episode featuring famed actor Bela Lugosi, which seems to have been more professionally produced with hired actors and announcers, leading to speculations that it may have been an unaired audition episode. However, the complete broadcast history and further information about Mystery House remain largely shrouded in mystery.