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  • Comedy
  • Drama

Mama Bloom's Brood is a unique radio series that blends elements of soap opera and situation comedy, resulting in a lighthearted and humorous plot. The story revolves around Papa Bloom (Jake) and Mama Bloom (Becky), who sell their kneepants factory and plan a vacation with their daughters Yetta and Sarah, and sons-in-law Harold and Sidney. Their journey takes them on an automobile trip to Hollywood, where they encounter various adventures and amusing situations. Mama Bloom, with her heavy Yiddish accent and distinctive way of speaking, becomes a delightful central character, drawing comparisons to Molly from The Goldbergs.

The show was syndicated in 1934 by Broadcasters Program Syndicate/Bruce Eells and Associates, with several episodes still existing today. Over the years, Mama Bloom's Brood has gained recognition and comparison to other popular radio shows, such as The Goldbergs. It has also been featured in the book 'Radio and the Jews: The Untold Story of How Radio Influenced America's Image of Jews, 1920s-1950s' by David S. and Susan Siegel. The series is often praised for its representation of Jewish-American families and culture, with parallels drawn to other related programs like The People Take the Lead and Eternal Light.
