Magic Island was a syndicated radio serial aimed at a juvenile audience that first aired in 1936. The show consisted of 130 twelve-minute episodes with a storyline centered around a wealthy woman searching for her long-lost daughter. The daughter is eventually found living on a man-made island that can submerge to avoid detection. Primarily targeted at small children, the series focuses on the main characters' subsequent adventures on the mysterious island, featuring a science-fantasy theme.
Magic Island was initially broadcast on Hollywood station KNX in 1935, before being syndicated by Atlas Radio Corp. in 1937. The show aired on various radio networks through the 1940s, with all 130 fifteen-minute episodes having survived till today. The series starred Sally Creighton as Patricia Gregory, Rosa Barcelo as Joan Gregory, Tommy Carr as Jerry Hall, and Will H. Reynolds as Capt. Tex Bradford. The show was produced and written by Perry (Percy C.) Crandall, who also acted in the cast and served as the program's announcer. Crandall passed away in January 1939 at the age of 38, just as the recorded series was gaining traction as a transcription feature.