Jump Jump and the Ice Queen is a delightful children's radio show that follows the adventures of a 3-inch tall elf named Jump Jump. Created by the writing team of Mary McConnell and Harry Hickox, the show was initially a series of animated vignettes before evolving into a 25-episode serial centered around the Christmas season. The heartwarming and whimsical stories feature Jump Jump and a cast of characters including Tim, Mary Holiday, Achi Paggli the clown, Sleepy Slim the lazy lion, and the Poet, as they work together to save Christmas from the evil Ice Queen who has kidnapped Santa's reindeer. The show's intimate and engaging style is further enhanced by the use of voice alteration for Jump Jump, creating a unique and memorable character for listeners of all ages.
The radio show was first broadcast in 1947 and aired on radio stations across America and Canada. A total of 24 episodes were planned, with the intention of being played daily leading up to Christmas, following a similar format to previous shows like The Cinnamon Bear and Jonathon Thomas and his Christmas On The Moon. Jump Jump and the Ice Queen also had a merchandise tie-in, featuring hand-made dolls created by the Mattel Toy Company, packaged in boxes designed to resemble the Holiday House featured in the show. The show's episodes were written and performed by McConnell and Hickox, along with Johnny McGovern as Tim and Jump Jump, while Bob Mitchell provided the Hammond organ music that imbued the show with a warm and festive atmosphere. Jump Jump and the Ice Queen remains a charming piece of radio history, providing nostalgic holiday entertainment for a modern audience.
Sources: archive.org, otrcat.com