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  • Children

Jonathan Thomas and His Christmas on the Moon is a captivating children's series that follows the adventures of six-year-old Jonathan Thomas as he tries to rescue his teddy bear, Guz, and save Santa Claus from the Squeebubblians. The story unfolds on Christmas Eve when Jonathan Thomas follows his teddy bear and two elves up a moonbeam, where he meets the Man in the Moon and his horse Gorgonzola. Accused of kidnapping Santa Claus, the group sets out on a thrilling quest to save him before Christmas Day. Along the way, they encounter an evil witch, a dragon with thirteen tails, and several characters from Lewis Carol's classic Alice in Wonderland.

Produced in 1938, Jonathan Thomas and His Christmas on the Moon aired daily between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Despite being well-written, the series did not achieve the same commercial success as The Cinnamon Bear or Jump Jump and the Ice Queen, partly because it did not have a toy promotion sponsor. The best way to enjoy this delightful Christmas serial is to listen to one episode per day, especially when shared with children during the holiday season. The episodes can be shared over video chat or attached to daily emails for parents who are away from their children, bringing them closer to their loved ones during the holidays.
