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  • Children

Jerry at Fair Oaks follows the delightful adventures of orphaned hero Jerry Dugan as he transitions from his life in the circus to his experiences at Fair Oaks School. With a runtime of fifteen minutes per episode, the program is ideal for even very young children to enjoy. This captivating series centers around Jerry Dugan's journey and adventures as he begins his life at Fair Oaks School, full of new experiences, friendships, and challenges.

Originally syndicated by Bruce Eells in 1938, Jerry at Fair Oaks is a juvenile serial that focuses on the importance of structure, instruction, and discipline for the growth and development of a young boy like Jerry. The school's traditions, athletics programs, and facilities provide him with everything he could need or want. This radio show consists of 65 episodes, with over 15 hours of captivating content. Jerry at Fair Oaks is a follow-up program to the earlier series, Jerry of the Circus.
