I Love a Mystery is an American radio drama series that follows the thrilling adventures of three friends who run the A-1 Detective Agency. The central characters, Jack Packard, Doc Long, and Reggie York, initially met as mercenary soldiers fighting the Japanese in China and later decided to form their detective agency in San Francisco. Their motto, "No job too tough, no adventure too baffling", served as a plot device to involve the trio in a wide variety of mystery, adventure, and supernatural horror stories, often taking them to exotic locales. The agency's secretary, Jerry Booker, was played by Gloria Blondell. Over the years, the main characters were portrayed by multiple talented actors, including Michael Raffetto, Russell Thorson, Jay Novello, Jim Bannon, John McIntire, Barton Yarborough, Jim Boles, Walter Paterson, and Tony Randall.
The show was initially sponsored by Fleischmann's Yeast and aired on the NBC West Coast network from January 16, 1939, to September 29, 1939, before moving to the full NBC network from October 2, 1939, to March 29, 1940. In 1940, the show expanded to 30-minute episodes on NBC Thursdays and continued on the Blue Network from September 30, 1940, to June 29, 1942. Procter & Gamble (for Oxydol and Ivory Soap) replaced Fleischmann's Yeast as the sponsor when the series was broadcast by CBS from March 22, 1943, to December 29, 1944. The show experienced revivals and title changes, including I Love Adventure on ABC in 1948 and a return to I Love a Mystery on the Mutual Broadcasting System from October 3, 1949, to December 26, 1952.
Sources: wikipedia.org, otrcat.com