The First Nighter Program was a radio anthology comedy-drama series that featured a host named Mr. First Nighter, who was played by several different actors throughout the show's run. Each week, Mr. First Nighter would take listeners on a journey through the bustling streets of Broadway and into the "Little Theater Off Times Square," where audiences would be treated to a variety of romantic comedies. The series mainly featured a cast of Don Ameche, June Meredith, Les Tremayne, Barbara Luddy, and Olan Soule, alongside a supporting orchestra directed by Eric Sagerquist, Caesar Petrillo, and Frank Worth at various times. Joseph T. Ainley produced and directed the series, which was performed in front of a live studio audience and featured actors dressed in formal attire.
The First Nighter Program aired from November 27, 1930, to September 27, 1953, spanning multiple radio networks, including NBC Blue Network, NBC Red Network, CBS, and Mutual. It was sponsored by The Campana Company and exclusively featured commercials for their products, such as Italian Balm, which became the best-selling hand lotion in the United States during the 1930s. The show's most popular episode was the annual Christmas presentation of "Little Town of Bethlehem," which first aired in 1937 and continued to be a staple of the series due to audience demand. In total, at least 16 episodes from the 1944-1953 period are still known to exist today.