Dangerous Assignment is a radio series that follows the intriguing adventures of Steve Mitchell, an international operative with one goal: to get in and out of danger. Played by film actor Brian Donlevy, Mitchell is given dangerous assignments by the Commissioner, a secretive taskmaster portrayed by Herb Butterfield. The show features exotic locations and solid acting by its supporting characters, with Donlevy's world-weary and wary tone adding to the show's suspenseful atmosphere. Dangerous Assignment's radio punch appeals to fans of tough-guy characters navigating through thrilling predicaments.
Broadcast in the United States from 1949 to 1953, Dangerous Assignment aired on the NBC network and featured both a radio drama and a syndicated television series. The radio show aired a total of 167 episodes, with Brian Donlevy as the protagonist and narrator. Additionally, the show had an Australian radio series during 1954-1956, remaking the original American radio scripts. Notable sponsors for the American series included the Ford Motor Company, Wheaties cereal, Anacin painkiller, Chesterfield cigarettes, and RCA Victor record label.
Sources: archive.org, wikipedia.org, otrcat.com