Bulldog Drummond is a radio crime drama that focuses on the relentless pursuit of criminals by a British investigator nicknamed "Bulldog." Created by British author H.C. McNeile, the character is a polished man-about-town whose hobby is crime detection and the apprehension of criminals. Alongside his sidekick Denny, Captain Hugh Drummond solves various murder cases and deals with a range of underworld characters. The series is known for its brief but evocative opening created by producer-director Himan Brown, which uses sound effects to set a London ambiance.
The show was broadcast from April 13, 1941, until March 28, 1954, airing on the Mutual Broadcasting System in the United States and Canada. Over the years, Drummond was played by several actors, including George Coulouris, Santos Ortega, Ned Wever, and Cedric Hardwicke. The character did not have a wife or ex-army comrades in the radio program as he did in the books, but he retained his butler, Denny. Distribution for the show became syndicated via electrical transcription in 1948, and a new version of Bulldog Drummond was aired in 1953 on Mutual. Despite efforts to revive the program, the final network version was broadcast only between January 3, 1954, and March 28, 1954.
Sources: wikipedia.org, otrcat.com