Broadway is My Beat is a radio crime drama that follows the life of hardened New York City cop, Detective Danny Clover, as he works homicide cases on the iconic "Great White Way." Set in the bustling theater district of Manhattan, from Times Square to Columbus Circle, the show is known for its captivating and gritty portrayal of the city through vivid sound effects and a powerful music score. With a strong focus on the urban streetscape and well-developed characters, the storylines feature dramatic and tense crime scenarios alongside engaging narrative monologues that transport listeners straight into the world of Broadway.
The show initially aired on CBS from February 27, 1949, to August 1, 1954, starting off in New York City with Anthony Ross as Detective Danny Clover, before Larry Thor took over the role and the show moved to Hollywood under producer Elliott Lewis. With its authentic recreation of Manhattan's bustling soundscape, Broadway is My Beat showcased the talents of renowned radio and film actors such as Irene Tedrow, Barney Phillips, Sheldon Leonard, and Martha Wentworth. The series became well-known for its powerful opening theme, "I'll Take Manhattan," and is still remembered as a standout example of crime drama from the golden age of radio.