Bob and Ray was a radio show featuring the American comedy duo, Bob Elliott and Ray Goulding. The show was known for its off-the-wall, deadpan humor that often satirized the medium in which they were performing, such as conducting radio or television interviews with unconventional dialogue. The duo's humor often included improvised comedy routines, following various comic threads for a few minutes and then abruptly moving on to another topic. Recurring features of the show included soap opera parodies like "The Life and Loves of Linda Lovely" and the pair engaging in impromptu banter with studio musicians.
The radio show, which began on Boston station WHDH in 1946, spanned five decades and aired on various networks such as NBC, CBS, and Mutual. Additionally, it was broadcast on New York City stations WINS, WOR, and WHN, and eventually on National Public Radio until its end in 1987. Bob and Ray saw a total of over 40 years on air and were known for their witty and hilarious skits which usually consisted of ad-libbed or improvised material. Characters like Wally Ballou, Roving Reporter, and skits like "Mr. Trace, Keener than Most Persons" became staples of the show. They also released radio episodes on recordings, and several were later adapted into graphic story form for publication in MAD magazine. Bob and Ray were praised for their unique talents and refreshing humor, often compared to the likes of Vic and Sade and the Marx Brothers.