Arch Oboler's Plays is a dramatic anthology series in which each episode explores the terrors and monsters within the human psyche. The show adheres to a stream-of-consciousness style that established radio as a viable new art form. Created, produced, directed, and written by Arch Oboler, the series features leading film actors, such as Ingrid Bergman, James Cagney, Joan Crawford, and Katharine Hepburn, who bring the compelling stories to life. The Bathysphere, an episode from November 18, 1939, was inducted into the National Recording Registry of the Library of Congress in 2020 for its cultural, historical, and aesthetic significance.
The show aired on the NBC network from March 25, 1939, to March 23, 1940, and was later revived for a sustaining summer run from April 5, 1945, to October 11, 1945, on the Mutual radio network. Arch Oboler reused some of the scripts from Arch Oboler's Plays in his later series Everyman's Theater. As the first writer accorded name-in-the-title status, Oboler was known for his eccentric and unique approach to storytelling. In addition to his radio work, Oboler was an ardent anti-Nazi and used his writing talents to instill hatred of the enemy during WWII through various war propaganda plays.