Aladdin Lamp was a radio show in which Smilin' Ed McConnell, also known as "The Aladdin Lamp Man," promoted Aladdin Kerosene Lamps to his audience, primarily targeting housewives. The show featured Ed singing songs and telling stories, all while incorporating the advertiser's message and ultimately persuading listeners to purchase an Aladdin lamp. The program's format included an organ and piano accompaniment, played by Irma Allen and Del Owen, and was specifically tailored to appeal to its target audience of domestic heroines with its charming personality and entertaining content.
The radio show likely originated after 1948 when 145 ABC stations began subscribing to Smilin' Ed's 15-minute programs. The show was produced in short, four-and-a-half-minute episodes that were likely recorded for syndication and tailored for local radio broadcasts by hardware stores in various regions. In addition to promoting Aladdin Kerosene Lamps, Smilin' Ed also advertised Aladdin Electric Lamps, highlighting their range of functional and stylish lighting options for the home. Smilin' Ed McConnell went on to become a successful pitchman for Buster Brown Shoes in his later radio show, Smilin' Ed's Buster Brown Shoe Gang, winning audiences over with his friendly demeanor and engaging storytelling.