Afloat with Henry Morgan was a 52-episode Australian radio series that featured 12-minute-long episodes, likely aimed at a youth audience. The show, which centered around the captivating adventures of the infamous pirate, was produced by and starred George Edwards, a talented actor and ventriloquist known as "the Man with a Thousand Voices". Edwards employed his unique gift for mimicry to portray a wide range of characters, including children, various male voices, older women, and foreigners. In some instances, he would perform as many as six different voices in a single scene and often doubled this number within a single episode.
The series is believed to have originally aired in 1933, although it is easily confused with the US show, The Henry Morgan Show. Afloat with Henry Morgan was produced by Edwards, who also created other popular Australian series such as Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Frankenstein, Corsican Brothers, and Son of Porthos. Collaborators on the show likely included enthusiasts Maurice Francis and Nell Sterling, both of whom had worked with Edwards on previous projects.