The Abbott and Costello Show was a comedy program featuring the talents of the American comedy duo Bud Abbott and Lou Costello. The show centered around their attempts to navigate various business ventures, often incorporating sketches from their vaudeville act. The duo first began performing together in 1935 at the Eltinge Burlesque Theater on 42nd Street in New York City, refining their act with Abbott as the devious straight man and Costello as the dimwitted comic.
The show first aired on NBC from 1940 to 1947 before moving to ABC until 1949. Initially debuting on Kate Smith's radio program in 1938, the duo made several transitions between programs before landing their own weekly show on October 8, 1942, sponsored by Camel cigarettes. Over the years, the show featured guest stars like Cary Grant, Frank Sinatra, and Lucille Ball, and had various orchestras, writers, and regular cast members. Additionally, Abbott and Costello hosted a children's radio program, The Abbott and Costello Children's Show, on ABC on Saturday mornings from 1947 until 1949.