2000 Plus was a groundbreaking radio anthology series focused on science fiction for adults, featuring all original stories written by creator Sherman H. Dryer and various staff writers. The series explored what life might be like in "the years beyond 2000 AD," presenting stories of uneven quality that often reflected paranoia about the impact of technological advances. This innovative series is often overshadowed by more well-known shows such as Dimension X, X Minus One, and Exploring Tomorrow, but is worth revisiting for science fiction fans who want to hear original stories not published or adapted elsewhere.
The show aired from March 15, 1950, to December 26, 1951, on the Mutual Broadcasting Network, predating NBC's Dimension X by about a month. It featured a variety of time slots during its two-year run, moving around the Mutual schedule in 1951 before airing its final episode at the end of the year. Nearly 90 episodes of 2000 Plus were broadcast, but only 16 are known to exist today. The series was directed and produced by its creator, Sherman H. Dryer, and starred radio actors such as Joseph Julian, Bill Keene, Lon Clark, Amzie Strickland, and Bryna Raeburn, among others. The show's dramatic orchestral music was composed by Elliott Jacoby and conducted by Emerson Buckley.
Sources: archive.org, wikipedia.org, otrcat.com