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  • Comedy
  • Drama

The First Nighter Program was a popular radio anthology comedy-drama series that aired on CBS from 1930 to 1949 and later on NBC from 1952 to 1953. The show transported listeners to opening night of various plays at a little theater just off Times Square. The series primarily focused on romantic comedies and featured leading actors such as Don Ameche, Les Tremayne, Olan Soule, June Meredith, Betty Lou Gerson, and Barbara Luddy. The show's popularity helped launch Don Ameche's career in movies. Sadly, out of over 750 episodes, less than 40 are believed to have survived.

The series had Mr. First Nighter guiding the audience through the theater experience, with episodes showcasing complete and separate original plays each week. The famous First Nighter Orchestra provided the music, and the show was popular for its annual Christmas episode, "Little Town of Bethlehem." The series ran on multiple radio networks and was sponsored by The Campana Company, which benefited from the show's exposure, making its Italian Balm the best-selling hand lotion in the United States in the 1930s.