An Evening with Groucho is a fascinating exploration into the life of the legendary Groucho Marx and his famous siblings, the Marx Brothers. Told through captivating anecdotes from Groucho himself, the show not only provides a glimpse into their personal lives, but also highlights their comic genius, showcasing the various characters and acts they performed throughout their careers. As the show delves into Groucho's life, listeners are treated to a treasure trove of wit, humor, and unparalleled comedic talent that defined the Marx Brothers' unique style and endeared them to generations of fans.
An Evening with Groucho was broadcast on different radio networks over the years, featuring numerous amusing appearances by Groucho Marx in various comedy and variety shows, as well as episodes from his successful radio quiz show, You Bet Your Life, which began in 1947 and later moved to television. There are six extensive volumes of the collection, with the first two focusing on Groucho Marx's guests appearances and the last four covering You Bet Your Life. This rich anthology not only highlights Groucho's incredible comedic talent but also serves as an insightful tribute to one of America's greatest comedians and a testament to the unmatched wit and charm of the Marx Brothers.