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  • Drama

Redbook Dramas is a radio show based on short stories from Redbook Magazine. Each 15-minute episode features a different tale, often with a background of love, mystery, adventure or romance, set in exotic locations such as Yucatan, France, Dalmatia, and Manchuria. The stories showcase remarkable characters and unique circumstances, such as a surly army private getting into trouble with his pet goat, an American schoolteacher caught up in political intrigue abroad, and a domestic servant solving a murder case in the Arctic Circle. Some of the authors featured on the show include Elaine Carrington, known for her radio soap operas When a Girl Marries and Pepper Young's Family, and Frank R. Adams, famous for his short stories in popular magazines of the era.

The Redbook Dramas radio show aired in 1932 during the Great Depression, and several episodes reflect the period's challenges. The show featured engaging, lively, and vivid stories that allowed a brief escape into the world of 1930s housewifical fantasies. It was introduced by Redbook Magazine's editor, Edward Baumer, who provided background information on each story and its author. The series remains a captivating collection of narratives from a unique era in history.
